Opening Scaremonies, Universal Studios Florida, 2013.
It’s a little late, but better than never! The HHN Yearbook would like to congratulate the cast of Halloween Horror Nights 23’s Scarezone of the Year, The “Opening Moment” Walkers!
These bedraggled zombies shambled down the Plaza of the Stars towards the helpless multitudes waiting to enter the event. The only thing stopping the guests from becoming zombie-chow were the iron gates of Universal Studios Florida.
In a nice diversion from recent years, this little Opening Scaremony event occurred just before the gates opened on most nights of the event. The visual of a large wave of zombies moving down the Plaza of the Stars was enough to get the zombie juices pumping in a fun, exciting way.
Congratulations, “Opening Moment” Walkers on your selection as HHN 23 Scarezone of the Year!
Photo by Mark Walter. To see all of our “Opening Moment” posts, click HERE.