Posted at October 10, 2013 at 04:26PM on the official “Legendary Truth” Facebook page:
16:25 10-10-13
Investigation Status UpdateINVESTIGATION STATUS: 321819 LOH-L1
COLLECTIVE/CERTIFIED C.R.O.s ( Remote Operatives) and C.F.O.s (Field Operatives) continue successful collaboration both on line and on location.
Exploration of 8 centers of L-1 activity has been comprehensive and rewarding. Discovery of 3 Legion Markers has resulted in reliable “touchstone” locations for further collaboration between cooperating Legions.
CROs operate from remote locations, offices and homes. They are often given information vital to the success of the investigation before CFOs. Generally this requires quick review, analysis and communication to on-location CFOs.
CFOs are actively exploring locations that have been reported to involve Level 1 paranormal activity. They supply missing information to CROs in an effort to complete tasks, challenges and assignments as efficiently as possible, relying on their CRO counterparts to conduct real-time research.
To date, CROs have worked together with CFOs to experience Afterlife, American Werewolf in London, Cabin in the Woods, Evil Dead, Havoc, La Llorona, Resident Evil and Walking Dead.
Future tasks will require more real-time collaboration that will result in rewards for both groups, both individually and in Legions.
Check back later today to learn more…